viernes, 29 de noviembre de 2024

 The sayings of Jesus Christ, manifested in the Bible, were not interpreted in their true sense. On the other hand, the Roman Catholic Apostolic Church distorted them in some cases.

The Church claims to defend the "family" but on the contrary Jesus Christ dismembered it by putting the son against his father, the parents against their children. He also mentioned that the enemies will be those of his home. He made his disciples abandon their families to follow him, training them to spread the same, and whoever does not respect his word will not be worthy of him, and will fall into hell.

People are worshiping Satan without knowing it, and his power will continue as long as there are believers who mistakenly believe in his goodness and justice.

And Jesus Christ said:

"I tell you that there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents, than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent."

The analysis of this phrase shows me that there is only joy in heaven when a sin is committed, since in order to repent one must first sin.

Apparently those who do not need repentance, because they are not sinners, do not produce as much joy in heaven. One must first be a sinner in order to receive more of the jubilee.

This is another of the inconsistencies of the so-called "messiah," who always hides evil in his actions and words, disguising it as goodness and justice.

"Blessed are those who are persecuted for justice, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

That is to say, in order to win the kingdom of heaven one must sin, since those persecuted for justice are sinners.

When the "messiah" was crucified, he did so with two sinners, to whom he said:

"You will be with me in paradise."

When an adulteress was about to be stoned, he said:

"Let him who is without sin cast the first stone."

Since we are all sinners, no one can throw a stone, and the sinner is not punished. With the application of this criterion, there can be no police, prosecutors, or judges. Criminals would be free to commit crimes and then forgiven by Jesus Christ they would enter the kingdom of heaven.

"I have not come for the good but for the bad."

The "messiah" is without a doubt the defender of sinners. The non-sinner must turn the other cheek so that after breaking his face the sinner is forgiven.

"I have not come to bring peace, but to bring the sword."

With this, the powerful are presented so that they take up their weapons, while the victims are made to turn the other cheek.

How is it possible that the symbol of this monstrosity endures? Very simple are the naive ones who believe in a non-existent goodness, and the evil ones who, knowing the evilness of the Messiah, exercise their power of injustice and destruction. The bad ones are luckier than the good ones.

Jesus Christ is the son of Satan. Without a doubt.

Si yo tuviera un alcance mundial significativo, le pediría humildemente a la humanidad que no alimente con alabanzas al espíritu de este dio...