jueves, 2 de marzo de 2023

 There is no closer interpretation of what God is than the one presented by one of Pardo's laws:

"God is the "total Universe", all the possible forms and modes, that the universe can take.
It is all that exists, has existed and will exist.
God is everything, and therefore as a whole he is superior to everything that exists.
The universe of our reality is one of the ways in which he presents himself.

We can never know what he wants or what he will do, but we do know what he does and what he did.

God is not the one presented by religion, none of them represents him. There was not, nor will there be, any gods, not even a single god, simply God is everything, interacting in a program without intelligent design, but rather a consistent one. Without will, but with action and reaction. Without justice and without reason, more than the logic of chained events.

The difference between our dreams and reality are the laws that govern them. And the laws are information data that we feel and process.

God's laws are in each one of us, with good and bad, with pleasure and pain, but no one can modify the development of the process, not even God since it is the same development of the program.

Si yo tuviera un alcance mundial significativo, le pediría humildemente a la humanidad que no alimente con alabanzas al espíritu de este dio...