viernes, 3 de noviembre de 2023

People think they worship a good and just God, but they are worshiping Satan without knowing it.

The god that religion presents should always be written with a lowercase letter.

"Hatred of God justifies hatred", since one should hate the cause, and not the effect.

The religious god is the cause of evil and pain.

The religious god feeds on the love that he asks of people, to return to the same people the pain that he deserves.

Everything that exists in our reality is inexorably functional to evil.

Evil is part of "creation" to the point that, in our reality, something could not exist if evil did not exist.

Evil is the opposing force, and every system includes a force that drives it and at the same time a force that stops it. That is why the driving force must be constantly fed to beat the opposing force that is always there.

In space it would seem that there is no opposing force since with a single impulse a ship is traveling without opposition since there is no curling, but this is an error of judgment because the same space is what moves the ship, and it is the same space that It gave the original force through its energy transformed by some means, be it a rocket or any other force.

You cannot eliminate the opposing force that is always present opposing what you want, that is why it results in something negative, or bad.The religious, as they always lie, the hope of eliminating evil from our reality is impossible, you cannot make a paradise on earth, as the Jewish or Muslim religion claims. The program of the universe forces it so.

The law of Pardo's programmed universe is an unavoidable reality.Man is programmed to execute Evil, whose source is God.

In the words of all the prophets, even if they seem good, the Ma is in them.

Abrham said he heard the word of God that promised him enormous descendants in the promised land of milk and honey, but his descendants were brutally punished, the land where milk and honey will flow never existed, and the sacred promised land they have been waiting for for a long time. more than 4000 years.

The Jews only received multiplied pain in their descendants, where men, women, children, and the elderly are condemned by the word of God to the prophet Abraham.

People are worshiping Satan and don't know it.

Si yo tuviera un alcance mundial significativo, le pediría humildemente a la humanidad que no alimente con alabanzas al espíritu de este dio...